12+ Years in Software Development and Consulting, AI Enthusiast

Author Ashok Basnet

JQuery Based Game:- Quick Multiplication

This is a simple multiplication based game created using the JQuery Library. It uses the basic concept of html, css and JavaScript to create the layouts and logic needed for the game. The game uses the JQuery library for the… Continue Reading →

PC Based Home Automation using VB

The project was done at Thapathali Campus for the V.S. Niketan Exhibition. The project is based on the concept of controlling the different devices at home using the PC. The parallel port of computer was used as an interface for… Continue Reading →

C.yber [LOCUS 2010 Project]

C.yber is a cyber managemnet System completely build in C programming Language for the IOE event LOCUS 2010 organized on Ashwin 1 and 2. C.yber is a program which interconnects different computers which allows users to communicate over the computer… Continue Reading →

Client Sever Application in C

This project is intended to be done as Mini Project for Computer Programming I as the syllabus of IOE, TU. The project is based on networking in C programming. The project is based on the client server architecture and its… Continue Reading →

ANPR(Automatic Number Plate Recognition) Using ALR(Automatic Line Tracking Robot)

It is almost known that the world is nowadays being more dependent in the computer than the human manpower. Today in the developed countries more than 90% of the job is done by automated system and this is due to… Continue Reading →

Online Nepal Information System

The project was done as III/II part mini project. Actually mini-project was something that is based on internet and existing knowledge of the internet technologies like HTML, CSS , JavaScript, PHP ,MYSQL etc.This project is basically an online project which… Continue Reading →

CD Control Application Using VB 6

Controlling the CD/DVD Drive of our computer using an application software is good for both the life of CD/DVD Drive and for us also. Visual Basic cab be the most easy way to do it.

Banking System Using C/C++

This is a Banking system developed using C/C++. It is done by me including four three members as Thapathali Campus III/I part project. You can try the Banking System v 1.0 by clicking the link below and feel free to… Continue Reading →

Regulated Variable DC Power Supply

The project was the I/II semester project at Thapathali Campus on Electrical Subject. The project was very interesting as we all have to develop the Regulated DC power supply that is very important in everyday. This project helped us to… Continue Reading →

Welcome to my Programming World

The world is always changing and technology is that which changes rapidly. Daily the new technologies are being introduced. Hello I’m Ashok Basnet and I love programming. I want to share the projects I’ve done at College level as well… Continue Reading →

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