IoeCamPlus is a cross platform webcam application developed as a part of II/I part C++ project at Pulchok Campus.
Platform: QT and OpenCV
Language : C++
is an application designed to utilize web cams present in most of the laptops and notebooks. This application is also able to utilize other simple USB PnP web cam technologies for PC’s. In a nutshell, this application is made to be a lightweight alternative to the default web cam application that comes with the corresponding machine.
The project runs in two different modes:-
A. Camera Mode
B. Image Mode
In Camera Mode, the application can apply basic filters to some advanced and add frames to the capture image. The user can record video and save to the file. In Image Mode, user can load images from the local drive and apply basic filters and add frame. The applied image can be saved to local drive.
The IoeCamPlus application is developed as an alternative to the webcam applications found in one’s computer.
Areas of Application

    1. This project is an implementation of Computer Vision and therefore has many applications in real world problems. 2. The project can be used as an alternative to the webcam applications available in one’s computer. 3. One can apply frames, filters to the stored image as well as the capturing image and record videos to the local disk. 4. Since it is a cross platform application developed using Qt and OpenCV, it can also be used in other system than windows.
Implementation Diagrams:
1. Block Diagram
block diag

2. Class Diagram
class diag

Application Screenshots:-

Working with C++ alone without any extra references would have been difficult. We too have gone through various books and sites related to C++ programming and Qt and OpenCV programming. We are thankful to the author of those books and sites. The following books and sites have provided us the knowledge for the completion of our project:-

  • Object Oriented Programming in C++ ( Robert Lafore )
  • The Secrets of Object Oriented Programming in C++ ( Daya Sagar Baral & Diwakar Baral )
  • Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenCV ( Gary Bradski & Adrian Kaehler )
  • Qt Documentation ( Qt site and Qt application )

Many sites were referred for the development of the project. The sites referred can be listed as below:

The project is open source Smile. You can view the codes and reports and modify them according to ur need. Don’t forget to mention our names….
