This year locus, we have showcased two projects , one from previous year locus project and another C++ project . You can have look at them at following link:- 1. C.yber 2. IoeCamPlus : v2.0ß Some screenshots :-
IoeCamPlus is a cross platform webcam application With the problems faced with IoeCamPlusv1.0, the 2nd version of IoeCamPlus is released. Updates in the IoeCamPlusv2.0ß :- Image saving problem in v1.0 is solved. new dll files installation updated. Painter added for… Continue Reading →
IoeCamPlus is a cross platform webcam application developed as a part of II/I part C++ project at Pulchok Campus. Platform: QT and OpenCVLanguage : C++is an application designed to utilize web cams present in most of the laptops and notebooks…. Continue Reading →
C.yber is a cyber managemnet System completely build in C programming Language for the IOE event LOCUS 2010 organized on Ashwin 1 and 2. C.yber is a program which interconnects different computers which allows users to communicate over the computer… Continue Reading →
This project is intended to be done as Mini Project for Computer Programming I as the syllabus of IOE, TU. The project is based on networking in C programming. The project is based on the client server architecture and its… Continue Reading →
It is almost known that the world is nowadays being more dependent in the computer than the human manpower. Today in the developed countries more than 90% of the job is done by automated system and this is due to… Continue Reading →
Controlling the CD/DVD Drive of our computer using an application software is good for both the life of CD/DVD Drive and for us also. Visual Basic cab be the most easy way to do it.
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